JC Penney shows signs of life on Black Friday

The embattled retailer is encouraged by sales trends.

While shoppers grapple with turkey hangovers on Thanksgiving, JCPenney will still be dealing with a headache of its own. The flailing department store is coming up short as it scrambles to hire 35,000 holiday workers to staff stores that were emptied

While shoppers grapple with turkey hangovers on Thanksgiving, JCPenney will still be dealing with a headache of its own. The flailing department store is coming up short as it scrambles to hire 35,000 holiday workers to staff stores that were emptied

Despite the stock's renaissance (eerily reminiscent of Eastman Kodak), recent images of the crammed and disorganized racks at various JCPenney stores do little to conjure confidence that staff or management either know 

Kmart has a big viral hit with the guys playing "Jingle Bells" with their privates. Now, another retailer, JCPenney, is trying to draft off that popularity by tweeting a coupon for pants in Kmart's general direction. A back-and-forth 

JC Penney shows signs of life on Black Friday

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