"I founded National Dog Day to show our deep appreciation for the historical connection of companionship for one another," Paige told TODAY.com in an email. So get ready to party doggy-style with these suggestions from Paige for celebrating National
Tuesday is National Dog Day, and there's only one way to celebrate it: with pictures of dogs wearing assorted baseball merchandise, hanging out at baseball stadiums. Thanks, SB Nation photo archives! Dodger pugs.
This holiday (also known as National Dog Appreciation Day) has been celebrated every year on August 26th since 2004. The purpose of the holiday is to show appreciation for the millions of the dogs in the U.S. that keep us safe and bring us comfort and
This holiday (also known as National Dog Appreciation Day) has been celebrated every year on August 26th since 2004. The purpose of the holiday is to show appreciation for the millions of the dogs in the U.S. that keep us safe and bring us comfort and
To celebrate National Dog Day 2014, we have seven canine fun facts and stats, representing the seven years that a dog ages for each calendar year. See if you are surprised: 1) First of all, that's not true. Most dogs do not age the equivalent of seven
Your Photos: National Dog Day 2014