Deadpool's Hollywood screen test begins with Gwen Stefani, ends with a ...

Deadpool, Marvel's first R rated X-Men spin-off, has been in development ever since we first saw the character as portrayed by Ryan Reynolds in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. And while talk continues about the possibilities of this movie actually happening

The video may not be up for long, but the footage of the potential Deadpool movie with Ryan Reynolds looks freakin' awesome! No word on how this footage managed to hit the internet. My bet is that some executive out there 

Ryan Reynolds plays Deadpool in a snippet of leaked movie test footage from Comic-Con!

Ryan Reynolds plays Deadpool in a snippet of leaked movie test footage from Comic-Con!

Over the weekend, an almost two-minute clip of Deadpool laying waste to a bunch of dudes hit the internet. Some big clues point to it being made by the folks behind some of the best video game trailers.

Deadpool's Hollywood screen test begins with Gwen Stefani, ends with a ...

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